If my research proves correct should they stay away from parliament for the 3RD CONSECUTIVE sittings BI-ELECTIONS will be held in those 7 CONSTITUENCIES that they now have under their belts. My speculations are that they will not let this happen because it was for this reason that the Leader of the Opposition chose to SWEAR IN HIMSELF, THE MPS, AND SENATORS for duty. Clearly one can see that their PAY CHEQUE is all that they really care about and NOT the VINCENTIAN people.
The madness continues with an announcement of the the presentation of their own budget this coming Tuesday at their headquarters. I have never heard of such a thing. DO WE NOW HAVE 2 PRIME MINISTERS in St. Vincent and the Grenadines??? Is this a DOLL HOUSE??? Are we playing HIDE AND SEEK AND COOPY now??? Can this be the reasons why NDP CANNOT WIN AN ELECTION for the past 4 TERMS???
Does this make sense? They had an opportunity to OPPOSE the "FOLLY" IN THE BUDGET that the government proposed and refused LOL. I am lost for words!!!
A perusal of FACEBOOK showed posts my NDP SUPPORTERS who despise this move on their path. Please take a note of a SCREEN SHOT THAT I SAW ONE OF MY FRIENDS REPOSTED:

I rest my case. NDP continues to prove all the more why I made that video in November 2015 in which I spelled out clearly REASONS WHY I WILL NEVER TAKE THEM SERIOUSLY AND ENDORSE THEM!
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