We've seen leaders come and go who've left their fingerprints on our soil. I remember growing up under the LABOUR PARTY GOVERNMENT led by our Premier MILTON CATO. What a fine PRIME MINISTER he was. After he parted I've seen so many POLITITIANS who've tarnished the good that these folks have done to the DELVELOPMENT OF OUR COUNTRY.
I feel a sense of sadness daily as our island has LOST her innocence as a #PARADISE of #PEACE & #TRANQUILITY to a land of #MURDER and bloodshed, persons continue to break into homes and terrify home owners. Unemployment level continues to rise, giving little or no hope to our youths who've graduated with so many O & A LEVEL, Bachelor & Masters DEGREES and can't find work to do.
Moreover, our minds continue to think like yesteryear. How can we go forward as a nation if our #MENTALITY is 10 STEPS BEHIND the GOALS we set out to achieve? IS IT ANY SURPRISE that the INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AT ARGYLE is not complete yet?
Last Saturday October 25, I've attended the 49th BANQUET hosted by the SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES ASSOCIATION OF MONTREAL to commemorate our 35 anniversary of #INDEPENDENCE. The highlight of my evening was a statement that the KEYNOTE SPEAKER lodged into my brain "WE NEED TO BECOME INDEPENDENT THINKERS and think for ourselves." ----> THANKS FOR STRIKING MY MIND WITH THIS SEAN SUTHERLAND!
May we continue to pool our resources for the betterment our country.
Peace & Blessings to you all!
Clairon Haynes