
So as ya'll know I was sick for 3 year (19 May, 2011 - May 3, 2014). I could not get out of my bed as I was severely engulfed by #DEPRESSION & POST TRAUMATIC STRESS (as medically diagnosed by my doctors). I practically gave up on life and all I wanted was to BECOME A #VAGRANT living in the METRO of MONTREAL. Yes I hear you say "CLAIRON, THE AMBITIOUS AND ACCOMPLISHED PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS TEA...CHER & PUBLISHED AUTHOR?????

Yes true, although I'd accomplished all of those great things during my time in CANADA I felt NO desire to live and all of my life's accomplishments meant nothing to me.
One day I was easing my boredom on TWITTER participating in the tweeting sessions with the OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network program "SUPER SOUL SUNDAY" and who commented on my tweet was this inspirational young man Ken Like Barbie
I looked him up and saw he had a YOU TUBE channel. I clicked on one of his videos in which he chronicled his journey LIVING WITH HIV. When I finished listening to this video I was never the same again!
I saw how COURAGEOUS he was embracing his diagnosis and #REFUSING TO LIVE HIS LIFE AS A #VICTIM but rather as a #VICTOR instead. I could not help but admire HOW #HAPPY HE CHOSE TO LIVE HIS LIFE with #NO fear of death or the inevitable. He has #INSPIRED me to GET UP OFF MY BED and do the same ---> BUT IN 2013 my SPIRIT WAS WILLING BUT MY FLESH WAS WEAK TO DO IT SO I REMAINED ON THAT BED UNTIL MAY 3, 2014 when #JEHOVAH #GOD stepped in and healed me!
As I returned to Facebook I finally went to look for him and added him as a friend. As I observe the way he continues to live his life I can't help noticing how much passion he seems to have for life LIVING HIS BEST LIFE NOW!
Yes my friends Ken Chose to be #HAPPY because He realised that #HappinessIsAChoice one that he is living to the max!
One day I was easing my boredom on TWITTER participating in the tweeting sessions with the OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network program "SUPER SOUL SUNDAY" and who commented on my tweet was this inspirational young man Ken Like Barbie
I looked him up and saw he had a YOU TUBE channel. I clicked on one of his videos in which he chronicled his journey LIVING WITH HIV. When I finished listening to this video I was never the same again!
I saw how COURAGEOUS he was embracing his diagnosis and #REFUSING TO LIVE HIS LIFE AS A #VICTIM but rather as a #VICTOR instead. I could not help but admire HOW #HAPPY HE CHOSE TO LIVE HIS LIFE with #NO fear of death or the inevitable. He has #INSPIRED me to GET UP OFF MY BED and do the same ---> BUT IN 2013 my SPIRIT WAS WILLING BUT MY FLESH WAS WEAK TO DO IT SO I REMAINED ON THAT BED UNTIL MAY 3, 2014 when #JEHOVAH #GOD stepped in and healed me!
Yes my friends Ken Chose to be #HAPPY because He realised that #HappinessIsAChoice one that he is living to the max!