Despite claims by the NDP that the ULP
cheated to win the 2015 and previous
elections "Eustace" remains the top reason
why the NDP continues to lose elections after
elections. A poll among ULP supporters
shows that 90% of those questioned list
"Eustace" as the top reason why they did not
and will not vote NDP. In other words, the
number of persons who did not vote NDP
because of Eustace far exceeds the number
that was required for the NDP to win in many
constituencies. That is to say, "Eustace" is the
reason the NDP lose in many constituencies
. The people minds are made up that they
"DON'T" want Eustace to lead them. Let us
to the voice of the people whose support/vote
we need to be successful at elections here.
Join with me and call for the resignation of
Arnhim Eustace immediately as a matter of
urgency. You will be glad you did."

I have vowed to myself and the Almighty God that I will refrain from POLITICAL BLOGGING as it seeks to DIVIDE PEOPLE in the past as a woman of my stature should BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER. However I feel the need to POST THIS ARTICLE as I see it as a PROPHECY FULFILLMENT that I made DURING THE DECEMBER 9 2015 POLITICAL CAMPAIGN in which I boldly stated in my ULP ENDORSEMENT VIDEO that the MAIN REASON WHY NDP DID NOT DESERVE MY ENDORSEMENT WAS BECAUSE OF THE INCOMPETENCIES OF MR. EUSTACE AS A LEADER. To see that ONE OF THEIR VERY OWN ACTIVIST (who cursed me out in comments under several of my YOU TUBE VIDEOS & FB POSTS comes back 5 months after echoing my very sentiments CAUSED ME TO REVISIT MY ISSUE!
I have NOTHING MORE TO SAY ON THIS MATTER. I am just here NOT to give my opinion BUT to report my "PROPHECY FULFILLMENT."