Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Politics Trump’s Top Strategist Just Quit! Her Brutal Open Letter To Trump Voters!

Stephanie Cegielski, one of Donald Trump’s top campaign strategists, former communications director , has submitted her letter of resignation to cut all political ties from his campaign in retaliation of Trump’s outrageous statement that “only he can solve” the bombing in Pakistan. She attempted to take some of his VOTERS with her while she made her grand exit as she wrote a letter to his supporters sighting REASONS WHY SHE ALIGNED HERSELF TO HIS CAMPAIGN ORIGINALLY, EXPOSING HOW HIS EXCESS AND DISHONESTY CAUSED HER TO PUT TRUMP IN HER POLITICAL DOG HOUSE. According to her "DONALD TRUMP is a SOAP OPERA CHARACTER who only cares about himself." 
The world has been following the ELECTORAL PRIMARIES for the PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEES for the REPUBLICAN AND THE DEMOCRATS as the race for the WHITE HOUSE heats up. Front runner on the Republican side Donald Trump has dominated the media as never seen before. His dominance in the polls and primary wins help him to secure a number of delegates. It seems however that the Republican ESTABLISHMENT is living their WORSE NIGHTMARE that Trump may be the NOMINEE and has made several attempts to STOP TRUMP. The "STOP TRUMP MOVEMENT" has been orchestrated by then Republican Nominee MITT ROMNEY 1 month ago in his speech to a group of university students. Senator Marco Rubio took over the baton and continued with his NEGATIVE PORTRAYAL of Trump as not a credible presidential candidate to no avail. These attempts did not stop his supporters from voting for him. The question now stands. WILL THIS OPEN LETTER STOP TRUMP FROM WINNING THOSE DELEGATES TO BECOME THE REPUBLICAN NOMINEE?

An Open Letter to Trump Voters from His Top Strategist-Turned-Defector 
 "Even Trump’s most trusted advisors didn’t expect him to fare this well. Almost a year ago, recruited for my public relations and public policy expertise, I sat in Trump Tower being told that the goal was to get The Donald to poll in double digits and come in second in delegate count.
That was it. The Trump camp would have been satisfied to see him polling at 12% and taking second place to a candidate who might hold 50%. His candidacy was a protest candidacy. It pains me to say, but he is the presidential equivalent of Sanjaya on American Idol. President Trump would be President Sanjaya in terms of legitimacy and authority. And I am now taking full responsibility for helping create this monster — and reaching out directly to those voters who, like me, wanted Trump to be the real deal.
My support for Trump began probably like yours did. Similar to so many other Americans, I was tired of the rhetoric in Washington. Negativity and stubbornness were at an all-time high, and the presidential prospects didn’t look promising.
In 2015, I fell in love with the idea of the protest candidate who was not bought by corporations. A man who sat in a Manhattan high-rise he had built, making waves as a straight talker with a business background, full of successes and failures, who wanted America to return to greatness. I was sold. Last summer, I signed on as the Communications Director of the Make America Great Again Super PAC. It was still early in the Trump campaign, and we hit the ground running. His biggest competitor had more than $100 million in a Super PAC. The Jeb Bush deep pockets looked to be the biggest obstacle we faced. We seemed to be up against a steep challenge, especially since a big part of the appeal of a Trump candidacy was not being influenced by PAC money.
After the first debate, I was more anxious than ever to support Trump. The exchange with Megyn Kelly was like manna from heaven for a communications director. She appeared like yet another reporter trying to kick out the guest who wasn’t invited to the party. At the time, I felt excited for the change to the debate he could bring. I began realizing the man really resonates with the masses and would bring people to the process who had never participated before. That was inspiring to me. It wasn’t long before every day I awoke to a buzzing phone and a shaking head because Trump had said something politically incorrect the night before. I have been around politics long enough to know that the other side will pounce on any and every opportunity to smear a candidate. But something surprising and absolutely unexpected happened. Every other candidate misestimated the anger and outrage of the “silent majority” of Americans who are not a part of the liberal elite. So with each statement came a jump in the polls. Just when I thought we were finished, The Donald gained more popularity. I don’t think even Trump thought he would get this far. And I don’t even know that he wanted to, which is perhaps the scariest prospect of all. He certainly was never prepared or equipped to go all the way to the White House, but his ego has now taken over the driver’s seat, and nothing else matters. The Donald does not fail. The Donald does not have any weakness. The Donald is his own biggest enemy. A devastating terrorist attack in Pakistan targeting Christians occurred on Easter Sunday, and Trump’s response was to tweet, “Another radical Islamic attack, this time in Pakistan, targeting Christian women & children. At least 67 dead, 400 injured. I alone can solve.”
Ignoring the fact that at the time Trump tweeted this (time-stamped 4:37 p.m.) the latest news reports had already placed the number differently at 70 dead, 300 injured, take a moment to appreciate the ridiculous, cartoonish, almost childish arrogance of saying that he alone can solve. Does Trump think that he is making a cameo on Wrestlemania (yes, one of his actual credits)?
This is not how foreign policy works. For anyone. Ever. Superhero powers where “I alone can solve” problems are not real. They do not exist for Batman, for Superman, for Wrestlemania and definitely not for Donald Trump. What was once Trump’s desire to rank second place to send a message to America and to increase his power as a businessman has nightmarishly morphed into a charade that is poised to do irreparable damage to this country if we do not stop this campaign in its tracks.
I’ll say it again: Trump never intended to be the candidate. But his pride is too out of control to stop him now. You can give Trump the biggest gift possible if you are a Trump supporter: stop supporting him.
He doesn’t want the White House. He just wants to be able to say that he could have run the White House. He’s achieved that already and then some. If there is any question, take it from someone who was recruited to help the candidate succeed, and initially very much wanted him to do so.
The hard truth is: Trump only cares about Trump. And if you are one of the disaffected voters — one of the silent majority like me — who wanted a candidate who could be your voice, I want to speak directly to you as one of his biggest advocates and supporters.
He is not that voice. He is not your voice. He is only Trump’s voice. Trump is about Trump. Not one of his many wives. Not one of his many “pieces of ass.” He is, at heart, a self-preservationist.
In fact, many people are not aware of the Trump campaign’s internal slogan, but I will tell you. It is stolen from a make-believe television presidency onThe West Wing where Martin Sheen portrayed President Bartlet. The slogan on the show amongst the idealistic group of Bartlet’s staff was “Let Bartlet Be Bartlet.”
Inside the Trump camp, the slogan became “Let Trump Be Trump.”
It is a repurposed slogan that seemed spot-on for the candidate. He is an intelligent, charismatic man who is involved in every aspect of his organization and would rather speak from the cuff than read briefing notes and recite them. I, in fact, admire Trump for this. But saying this qualifies him to be president is like saying that Seth Rogan is suited to be president. Another extraordinary improvisor, not an extraordinary presidential candidate.
Trump has undoubtedly lived up to the slogan, right down to his main public-relations liaison. Rather than go for a focus-group Washington insider, his communications person had previously taken press calls for the Trump Organization and directed them to the appropriate Trump child. She joked that before joining the campaign she thought “Common Core” was a class at Equinox.
The primary problem with this? What I’ve seen the longer I’ve helped prop him up along with the millions who are helping Trump is that we got the slogan wrong. A more accurate internal slogan would read, “Let Trump Help Trump.”
I don’t dismiss any single Trump constituent, which is why I believe it’s important to let you know that the candidate does.
I, too, think our country has gone off track in its values. I, too, think that we need a dramatic change of course. But I am, in my heart, a policy wonk and a believer in coming to the table with necessary knowledge for leading the free world.
The man does not know policy, nor does he have the humility to admit what he does not know — the most frightening position of all.
I remember watching the second Trump debate and thinking, After this, he is going to have to start hammering it home on policy; the country needs substance to make an informed decision.
I wished for it six months ago and am still waiting for it today. He had an opportunity after the terror attacks in Belgium and instead he used the opportunity to talk about closing the borders and what a mess that country had become. I was appalled that he offered no condolences or words of support; he merely gave his “build a wall” stump speech and talked about his greatness. I felt sad for him at that moment. And now, with the latest horrifying terror attack in Pakistan, my sadness has turned into anger. I consider myself a part of the silent majority that led to Trump’s rise, which is why I want you to know that I am with you — I wanted Trump to be real, too.
He is not. He even says so himself. His misogyny? That’s the character.
His presidential candidacy? That’s a character, too. The problem with characters is they are the stuff of soap operas and sitcoms and reality competitions — not political legacies.
Trump made me believe. Until I woke up. And he has no problem abusing your support the same way he cheated hard-working men and women out of millions of dollars, for which he is now being sued.
I came into this eager to support a savvy businessman who received little outside funding. I loved Trump’s outsider status. But a year has now passed since I was first approached to become part of Team Trump.
While the pundits pontificated about what type of PR stunt Trump had up his billion-dollar sleeves, I met with people who convinced me he was serious about changing the political conversation. I wanted to raise millions for him. I wanted to contribute to millions of votes.
And as part of that support, in October, I supported the internal decision to close the Super PAC in order to position him as the quintessential non-politician. I still supported him with great passion after that. The decision to close the Super PAC was part of that devotion to his message of outsider change.
But something was shifting.
Without intending to do so, I began to hear and evaluate him more critically and skeptically as a member of the voting public rather than a communications person charged with protecting his positions.
I no longer felt that he was the leader the country was looking for, and I found myself longing — aching, really — for policy substance that went beyond building a wall and making Mexico pay for it. What were once bold — although controversial — statements now seemed to be attempts to please the crowds, not direction to lead this country to a better place. I began to realize his arrogance and isolation had taken over and were now controlling his message. And here’s what he tapped into: the unprecedented, unbelievable anger.
Because we are all angry — and we all have a right to be. But Trump is not our champion. He would stab any one of his supporters in the back if it earned him a cent more in his pocket.
Unfortunately, the more vitriolic Trump has become, the more the people responded to him. That drove him to push the boundaries further and further. I also started seeing a trend of incompetence and deniability. When there was a tweet that contained an error, he would blame it on an intern; when there was a photo containing a World War II Nazi Germany background, he would blame it on an intern; when he answered questions in an overtly controversial fashion, he would claim that he did not properly hear the question. He refused to take responsibility for his actions while frequently demanding apologies from others.
Imagine Trump wronged you, even in the smallest possible way. He would go to the grave denying he had ever done anything wrong to you — ever. Trump acts as if he’s a fictional character. But like Hercules, Donald Trump is a work of fiction. No matter how many times he repeats it, Trump would not be the “best” at being a president, being in shape, fighting terrorism, selling steaks, and whatever other “best” claim he has made in the last 15 minutes.
He would be the best at something, though. He is the best at looking out for Donald Trump — at all costs.
Don’t let our country pay that price."


Sunday, March 20, 2016


 Well I must say I have never seen a PIZZA this huge OMG. This is such a great idea for a BIRTHDAY meal. Perhaps I should try it lol! No plates to wash and enough to feed everyone!


Friday, March 11, 2016


 "Seems I am being taking into police custody no word yet from the traffic police as to if I am being formally arrested"


Thursday, March 10, 2016


In the wee hours of the morning Wednesday March 9, 2016 I woke and, as is my habitual ritual, tuned into HOT 97 (ONE OF SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES RADIO STATIONS) to hear the shocking plight of Miss KAREN JOHN of St. Vincent and the Grenadines who lost her RIGHT ARM  as a result of being SHOT with a firearm by DAVID DEBIQUE. In 2014 the case was brought to the HIGH COURT in SVG in which the judge has ruled in favour of Miss John and has ordered the perpetrator to pay her the sum of EC ($400,255.77) in compensation. According to Miss John it is two years now since she did not receive any payment! I am calling on the GOVERNMENT and people of SVG to look into this matter soonest!

KAREN CALLED INTO HOT 97 ON THE AMMAYHEM with host CHRIS AND KUBIYASHI to clear the air and to debunk the LIES that Mr. DEBIQUE has been spreading in relation to having paid her the money owing to her.

Karen was working at a BAR in 2006 when she was shot. She can recall looking at a game of pool when DAVID DEBIQUE started firing shots in the bar. Earlier David was heard telling someone in the building that "HE FELT LIKE SHOOTING SOMEONE" AT THAT SAID MOMENT," and unfortunately the BULLET was lodged into KAREN'S RIGHT SHOULDERS. Karen was immediately rushed to the KINGSTOWN GENERAL HOSPITAL for urgent medical attention and spent a while there as a patient nursing this wound that could have taken her life HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR THE GRACE OF ALMIGHTY GOD. After her release her arm got worse. To prevent further medical complication that could have potentially been detrimental to her health, she was sent to TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO for further medical assistance TWICE in an effort to try and save her arm. 

 Although this trip to T&T proved to do some good it was not sufficient to save her arm. A while after returning to SVG she went to see DR. WOOD who discovered that the ARM SEEMED TO HAVE APPEARED DARK IN COLOUR and so he was forced to AMPUTATE it to save her life.

The procedure was successfully completed but unfortunately the BULLET is still in her body. This is the best the doctor can do because the bullet went all the way into her BONE and if it is removed it may be medically risky. According to Karen she does not feel any pain under normal circumstances but if someone hits the hand directly she may feel lil SHOCKS but nothing to cause alarm. ALL PRAISES AND GLORY TO GOD FOR BRINGING HER THIS FAR!


Well as you may have read earlier in this article DAVID DIBIQUE has been telling persons that HE HAS ALREADY SETTLED HIS DEBT WITH KAREN. Sometime ago she was approached by a MINISTER OF GOVERNMENT at the school where she is a vendor and was informed that the perpetrator is allegedly SEEKING LEGAL ASSISTANCE TO GET HIS FIREARMS BACK. "DID YOU PAY THE YOUNG LADY WHOM YOU INJURED HER MONEY?" "Yes," said the perpetrator. It was then that Karen realized that she needed to clear the air and tell her side of the story to put to rest this contradiction and distortion of the FACTS and so she did. The SEARCHLIGHT NEWSPAPER was the first media house to publish the story in their MID-WEEK issue dated Tuesday March 8, 2016. AMMAYHEM an early morning radio show that UPDATES THE NATION ON THE HOT TOPICS IN SVG joined the quest to bring this NEWS WORTHY story to the public.


 Attorney  at law MR. DWAYNE DANIEL has been hired to work on this case from since the inception of this legal battle. According to Karen steps are taken by him to file papers with the court to look into this matter.

As a BLOGGER this story immediately resonated with me when I heard it. I was upset and troubled deeply in my soul and felt so much empathy for this young lady. I reached out to her on FACEBOOK and was able to speak with her on the phone 6 hours after her story was aired on HOT 97 to get get details about her plight and her permission to publish it to my online audience in an effort to BRING IT TO THE AWARENESS OF THE VINCENTIANS AT HOME AND WITHIN THE DIASPORA who know nothing about this. The main purpose of this post is to HIGHLIGHT THE INJUSTICE IN OUR SOCIETY AND TO GET THE GOVERNMENT AND THE LEGAL FRATERNITY to GET ON BOARD AND HELP MISS JOHN GET HER MONEY FROM DAVID DEBIQUE.

Why has this matter been allowed to get to this point after the JUDGE'S ruling 2 YEARS ago? Why is DAVID DEBIQUE walking the streets of SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES, allegedly PURCHASING a NEW JEEP (IN SOMEONE'S NAME TO DODGE HIS PAYMENTS TO KAREN) and has not paid a penny to this VICTIM who is SUFFERING??? Only in SVG THIS MADNESS CAN OCCUR?? Is our society one step back to worshiping the god called SOCIAL INJUSTICE? Has this situation been allowed to be swept under the rug because Karen comes from a POOR FAMILY and is not up in the social ranks of your society? If this had happen to a RICH OR "HIGH SOCIETY" person would the results have been the same??

Karen has shown RESILIENCY in the manner in which she has handled this heartbreaking situation. I have nothing but RESPECT and ADMIRATION for her as she chooses to live her life as a VICTOR who triumphs daily over the devil's attempt to imprison her happiness instead of being a VICTIM. As the old adage goes 'WHAT DOESN'T KILL YOU MAKES YOU STRONGER." This holds true for Karen. She demonstrates daily that SHE IS A FIGHTER who who certainly knows and practices the formula of LIVING HER BEST LIFE NOW as SHE REFUSES to let this disability IMPRISON HER SPIRIT! For this reason I believe that the GOVERNMENT AND PEOPLE OF SVG owe it to her to HELP SECURE JUSTICE for her since she is NOT sitting by lazy and doing nothing to help herself. She is doing INCREDIBLY WELL "making LEMON AID" out of "the LEMONS" which life has throw to her on that almost fatal day at that bar in 2006.

How on earth  can a man shoot a woman, caused her to lose her RIGHT ARM thereby limiting her EARNING POWERS and her ability to take care of her 3 YOUNG CHILDREN, PAYING RENT AND NOT PAY HER WHAT IS OWING TO HER??

May this be a NATIONAL CRY for the poor and needy in SVG. 

1. MR. DAVID DEBIQUE needs to sell his ASSETS and pay Karen what is owed to her. He broke the LAW and so finding the money is his problem NOT Karen's. 
2. David needs to be picked up by the POLICE of SVG and be put in JAIL until he can figure out how he will settle his debt. This will SEND A CLEAR MESSAGE TO THOSE WHO WANT TO USE FIREARM TO ENDANGER THE LIVES Of OTHERS that this unlawful behaviour WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! Our younger generation will learn a lifelong lesson vicariously from this situation that BREAKING THE LAW IS EQUAL TO PAYING HUGE SUMS OF MONEY SO THEY WILL THINK LONG AND HARD BEFORE THEY ACT. This is PROACTIVE SOLUTION at its best!
3. The GOVERNMENT of SVG needs to get on board and help seek justice for Karen.
4. There should be no IF or BUT used in any verbiage when it comes to dialogue relating to Karen getting paid. 

Violence in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines continues to increase at an alarming rate and I personally think that PUTTING PRESSURE on DAVID will definitely go a long way as a deterrent measure to lessen GUN VIOLENCE there.  Karen and her family are in my prayers for a speedy resolution. 



Sunday, March 6, 2016


Well I must admit that my nose swell each time I see the STUDENTS whose lives I was afforded the blessed privilege to touch in some way or the other succeed. When I learned of Fritz's basketball achievements I felt a sense of pride to know that he continues to work extremely hard to be the very best he can be in this life. I have been his HOMEROOM teacher in GRADE 8 from 2007-2009 (subject to correction) at GAA high school here in Montreal after which he left to complete his high school education at another school. I was always delighted to have him in my PHYSICAL EDUCATION (GYM) classes. He seemed quite athletic so this news of his success did not come as a surprise to me. 

 Sometime in 2015 I saw a post from him in my FB newsfeed about him being signed to
Georgia Highlands College basketball team.
Ever since I have been following his progress. This week my eyes were lucky to see his post in which he celebrated his team's recent WINNING Region XVII CHAMPIONSHIP!
 Elated and proud it dawned on me that the time has finally come for me to feature his success on my blog.

"Officially committed to Georgia Highlands College. 16th ranked junior college in the nation, and still going up in the national rankings. I'll be on a full athletic scholarship, going to school and playing the sport that I love. I am not where I'm supposed to be yet, but what's a Journey without struggles. I wanna thank my family for always being behind me and believing in me, everyone back home still supporting me and also thanks to my Concordia family. I don't plan on letting anybody down. Next signing is definitely going to be the big one!!!!!!!"




 Teaching is rewarding when you see the seeds you would have planted germinate and bear fruits. It is my prayer that Friz will continue to work hard and remain extremely focus on his studies and the game he loves so passionately. Passion breeds success!




Someone who's been so great,
Good-bye is hard ti say.
With courage and guts,
You always led the way.

In a culture,
So tight-lipped,
You were the window,
Through which secrets flipped.
Secrets citizens must know,
You had the right to release.
Our island will never be the same,
Even as you REST IN PEACE.
Good-bye son of the soil,
You were true to your nation.
You've touched us all,
Using the power of communication.
You've educated many,
Unveiling corruption in politics.
You've kept us on the road,
Exposing the "big boys" tricks.
From then on,
We couldn't think the same.
We've walked the walk,
Instead of shifting blame.
Good-bye is tough indeed,
When you're snatched from us so soon.
We're robbed of your moments,
Shining as the moon.
I miss your light so much,
Our land may return to darkness.
You're a hard shoe to fill,
Wearing a priceless trademark.
Who could have hated you,
And cut you from life's race?
As we moan our loss,
Your killer wears a straight face.
I trust God,
In bringing your killer to justice.
This is what you would want,
More so than a fanciful service.
That one is still at large,
Making their "hate fan club" glad.
That everyone is no longer safe,
Should make them very sad.
Your premature death,
Could never be ok.
For your input to nation-building,
This is how you must pay?
If this had happened to one of us,
You would have stuck your neck out,
Leaving no stones unturn, 
Until penalty is brought about.

Since you were not sick,
It's difficult to say good-bye.
We would not have been so shocked,
Constantly asking why.

Good-bye, my brother,
Say hi to the angels for me.
When I get to heaven,
We shall surely see.

Sleep my dear one,
Rest in God's grace.
One thing I know for certain,
God will win your case.

Thanks for your "SHAKE-UP" show.
You've decorated our nation,
Reflecting colours of the rainbow.

Friday, March 4, 2016


 FBI is waiting to have a PRESS CONFERENCE to give more information about this KNIFE that was found at O.J SIMPSON'S former property today.

Could it be related to the history of the MURDER OF HIS EX-WIFE CASE???


Thursday, March 3, 2016


By now I believe that most Vincentians at home and abroad would have been aware of the current DEVELOPMENTAL SAGA between the residents of the Grenadine island of CANOUAN and CCA of which CANOUAN RESORT is a customer. Shortly after the December 9 General Elections some of the residents engaged in a PROTEST to send a clear message to the CAA and the government that they need access to the beach. 
As the owner of this blog I was TAGGED IN A LETTER FROM THE CEO OF THE CAA by one of my FACEBOOK friends. I found the story quite interesting and sought to get more information from someone who lives on the island. I was messaged from a CANOUAN resident who wishes to remain ANONYMOUS that this LETTER ON FACEBOOK was MISLEADING at its core as it failed to give a true picture of the real situation. In an effort to provide a FAIR approach to my blogging I have decided to provide this forum for this resident to give his/her side of the story.


"In regards to a formal launch of the hotel, the so called "hotel operators " haven't even decided if they are going to manage the hotel in Canouan. The name of the management company is "Mandarin Oriental ". These people were interested in managing the hotel in Canouan, but stopped showing interested and didn't confirm whether or not they were going to go through with it up to this point. The Canouan Resort was going to be the one running the hotel independently, so how exactly can the hotel operators delay the launch. Since they are the hotel operators, then they are the one delaying the launch. 

Now, about this part of the Canouan Resort being the main customer for CCA, this is true. But this is the interesting part. CCA has been conducting layoffs since last year, long before the issue of the "Lans Guyac" beach in canouan. In addition to this, CCA has brought a Barbadian company "C.O Williams " to do work in Canouan. They have been laying off a significant about of the workforce form this country and replacing them with Barbadian workers. Local workers that once operated certain equipment have been replaced by Barbarians. As a matter of fact, CCA has no major projects planned, as their last major project, which was the construction of the new hotel in Canouan ( canouan.com/thehotel )‎ has been completed over 3 years ago. Since then, they have no major projects to be undertaken. If they are forced to lay off the staff because of the so called issues create by Terry Bynoe et al, then why are they able to import Bajan's to do work in Canouan? How can they replace Vincentians with Bajan's if they are going through a crisis? 

Next, the Canouan community isn't allowing Terry Bynoe to do anything, the Canouan community is 110% behind Terry Bynoe, and we are all supporting him all the way because we all have the same views. The investors don't care about the natives of Canouan, and I have grounds on which I stand on that. This article is misleading because they can't say that the Canouan community is allowing it because we are all supportive of what Mr. Terry Bynoe and others are trying to do to establish better negotiations between the investors and community. 

Now, these investors have been doing more bad than good to us in Canouan. The owner of the Canouan Resort, Andrea Pignataro, has stated that an exclusive zone has been negotiated between him and the government. This exclusive zone spans through a majority of the beaches in Canouan. Only 2 beaches in Canouan are actually available if this exclusive zone isn't cancelled, because all other beaches are inaccessible since the other beaches are a part of another project being undertaken in Canouan by other investors. And as a matter of fact, one of these beaches is located at a Harbor, and it isn't safe for swimming because toxic chemicals are being dumped into the water from vessels, and heavy machinery are being operated there. So that leaves one beach available for the public out of this exclusive zone. 

The issue in Canouan spans beyond a beach. The beach isn't all that we're fighting for. It's a lot more than that. Land is another issue. Lands in Canouan are being sold by the government to investors. There isn't even anything left to be sold. What about natives that want lands? We obviously can't afford to compete with billionaires and millionaires to buy lands. We don't have that kind of money. We aren't being considered. More land has been sold and people in Canouan weren't even aware of it. We have nothing left to ourselves. We have to stand up and fight for whatever is left. 

These lands being sold and exclusive zone being established have been done without the people of Canouan knowing, so I consider it to be underhand work between the investors and the government. If these investors are willing to do these sorts of underhand work, are they there for the people? Or are they there to make themselves richer. They don't care about us and we want better treatment. 

Because of the exclusive zone, the owner of the resort has been making the staff chasing tourists on yachts that enter this zone, especially the ones known for kite surfing. These same yachties come to the city and purchase items from the supermarket, souvenir shops and market. They support our local fishermen. They add to our livelihood. The tourist that visit Canouan to go to the resort do not go to the actual community. They don't spend money at our shops and supermarkets. The yachties do. Why chase the people that actually contribute towards our daily bread. They are taking the food from our mouths so we can depend on them and take whatever they give us and we are forced to cry inside. 

I have been reading through the comments on the picture posted by junior John and I am surprised that these people have such harsh comments to make about the locals in Canouan, calling them ignorant when they themselves are ignorant about what is happening in Canouan

Even working at the resort is hell. A basic salary of $1003 can't do much. If you complain to them about certain issues then they literally tell you, "if you don't like it then you can always leave, there are other people that would be happy to get your job ". How can we be happy working there under these conditions.

I have been working at this said resort, and I know of many people that have sustained injuries on the job. Some of them told me that their managers ignored them. Others said that when they went to the resort's doctor, all he tells them to do is take paracetamol! Can you believe it? Some of these same people have reported severe pain even after they no longer work there and they aren't willing to assist with the payment of therapy or doctors bill. How can any person from Canouan be happy working with these sorts of investors. They force their staff to work under terrible conditions, and they force them to go and offer services to their guests at an exceptional level beyond their expectations.   
The owner, Andrea Pignataro, has also been very unreasonable. He isn't as loving and caring as the previous owner, Antonio Saladino. People were afraid to offer services to Mr Saladino because he was the owner and they get stage fright, but they are afraid to other services to Mr Pignataro because they are afraid to lose their job. Mr Pignataro has been on a spree over the Christmas season in Canouan, and he has been firing people at will. Any mistakes while offering him service and he fires you. How can you go about operating like this to your staff, and how can people of Canouan be happy with this?
The matter is far beyond a beach, we are fighting for more than that. I hated the fact that (if the letter was actually published by the CEO of CCA) ,they are trying to fool the world about what is happening. I live there. I have grown up there since I was in pampers. That is my home. The government is actually doing this underhand work with them because they are the ones allowing the investors to carry out their activities. They are the ones selling them lands, they are the ones that gave them the exclusive zone. The government isn't standing for the people of Canouan. Why? I don't know, maybe politics?

These people have also relocate a asphalt plant and a batching plant from an area that is not populated on the resort and have relocate near to residential establishments on the island. They will never put these things near one of the villas on the resort, we, the people of Canouan are being treated as the worst. The fumes from the asphalt plant and batching plant intensely toxic and can lead to adverse health effects. This should have never been put near the places people live. 

They also want to build a container port (which would also serve as a new jetty) in Canouan at an area where would require lots of coral to be broken. This said coral protects marine ecosystem and fights against coastal erosion. The current location is perfect for a new Port because it is a central location to the people of Canouan. Why don't they put it there? Why put it away from us at a difficultly accessible location. Why? 

Why aren't things being done with the people of Canouan in mind? Why isn't the government stepping in to help us? I hope you can see why the people of Canouan are protesting, demonstrating, etc. I hope you can see and understand. Please don't be blinded by what they are telling you. I am deeply upset to see the comments that were posted on the picture on Facebook. They don't know what's going on. We are there and we are suffering. Look at it, these investors have been having a monopoly over us. They know if we don't work with them then we don't have a livelihood. So they push anything in our mouths and tell us to chew and swallow. There isn't any thoughts being places for us. Food in Canouan costs over 2 times the cost than  it does in St Vincent. A basic salary of $1003? You can't afford to pay for electricity, Internet cable and buy food.  This is all that I can think of from the tip of my tongue, but I'm sure that there are more issues that I can't remember at this point. If you need more then I'll be happy to provide. Think about it, let the world know the truth. 
Yours truly



Wednesday, March 2, 2016


As most of my fellow Vincentians would have been aware our SOCCER STAR OALEX ANDERSON has recently signed his INTERNATIONAL SOCCER CONTRACT with Seattle Sounders FC this week. PLEASE FOLLOW THIS #LINK to the FULL ARTICLE FOR ALL OF THE DETAILS ==> http://www.soundersfc.com/post/2016/03/01/sounders-fc-signs-forward-oalex-anderson
 GOAL: S2's Oalex Anderson turns the defense inside out and buries a shot 
 Interview: Oalex Anderson post-match vs Portland Timbers 2 

 Oalex took to FACEBOOK today Wednesday 2, 2016 to personally THANK all persons who were instrumental in helping him to reach thus far. READ BELOW 

Before I Even Signed This Contract I Prayed. Thanking God For The Opportunity He Have Given Me. I Wouldn't Be Here Today If It Wasn't For One Person, GOD. Thank You For Showing Me The Light From The Day I Born (11th Day Of November 1995.
My Parents Lesha Gabriel Alex Dapa Anderson, Thank You For Raising Me. My Grandma Rosalie Griffith, For All I Know You My Mother Too.
Those That Played A Parent Role To Me, Thank You.
My Sisters. God Knows I Love My Sisters, All Of Them.
Special Thanks To My Entire Family, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins.
Coaches; Dutch Hayde Wayde Jackson Lorson Lewis Chester Morgan Keith Ollivierre Corny Butu Levon Pretty Boy. Thank You Especially Ezra Paul Hendrickson And Ian Edgerton Sardine
Worthy Friends Who've Been There For Me. Those People Who Thought Me. Former School; Barrouallie SecondarySchool Teachers, Pastors.
Thanks To My Community; Barrouallie. My Country; St. Vincent And The Grenadines For Their Undying Love And Support.
All Teammates I've Ever Played With Starting With Kyle Sanchez Edwards Myron Samuel Jr.
Thanks For The Support Abroad And The Organization Of Sounders. I'm Gonna Take Full Advantage Of This Opportunity. Promise You That.
Last But Not Least, My Love Go Always Be For You Riri Young

 This huge opportunity came after the soccer star has made history for SCORING the lone goal in the WORLD UP QUALIFYING MATCH SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES VS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA last fall. I have been following him on Facebook when I learned that he scored against the USA and ever since I have been following his progress. From my observations I have realized that he seems to be very mature for a 20 year old. He seems positive and knows what he wants out of life. The fact that OALEX HAD ATTRIBUTED THIS BRAKTHROUGH TO JEHOVAH GOD AND GIVE HIM THE GLORY VIA HIS FACEBOOK POST strikes my mind.

The owner of this blog extends CONGRATULATIONS to Oalex, family, his team, the SVG FOOTBALL FEDERATION & VINCY HEATS and the people of SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES for this amazing blessing. 


Tuesday, March 1, 2016




Kevon "Kev" Alleyene @iamdakev has been missing for approximately 24 hrs as of 9PM tonight March 1st. Kev was last seen in the area of Cane Hall (Vinlec power plant) wearing blue gym shorts, Grey T-shirt and grey sneakers. If you have any information on his whereabouts or location please contact the Police immediately 1(784) 458 4200 or your closest precinct station HELP US FIND KEV