Thursday, October 23, 2014

#EBOLA in #NewYork??????

According to CNN there is speculations that a DOCTOR who has been in AFRICA (Guinea) after treating EBOLA patients might have contracted the deadly EBOLA VIRUS after developing a HIGH FEVER. First it was Texas now it's New York. This Ebola disease is really no respecter of persons regarding race, class or creed.
It is alleged that the Doctor did not quarantine himself as evidence points to him taking a TAXI CAB going to a bowling ally. He started feeling sluggish and reported it to the medical authorities. How many people might he have transmitted the disease to if he has it?

Doctors are still on a goose chase wondering how this disease is contracted as the face that some persons who  become in contact with Ebola succumb and die while others survive has raised many questions.

What are the guidelines for precautions? The public needs to know the symptom so that they can take the necessary precaution and seek urgent medical attention if symptoms are developed.