The introductory remarks in our first BLACK HISTORY MONTH ENTREPRENEURIAL FEATURE emphasized that the purpose of this campaign on our blog during the entire month of February is precisely to "ENCOURAGE ENTREPRENEURSHIP AMONG WOMEN." However, a few readers are of the view that it seems to show bias on the part of male entrepreneurs. The reason why our lens seem to focus on women is simply because the owner of this blog has more connections with female business owners than men. As a matter of fact locating entrepreneurs of the opposite sex within our circle was seemingly a pipe dream. Exclusion of any particular group of persons will be deemed journalistic negligence, a practice that we do not condone and we do not wish to be our trademark of identification for that will make our blogging reputation becomes questionable. That this blog exists to give EVERYONE a fair chance as much as it possibly can, it behooves us to thrive for 100% transparency at all times. It was never the intention of the author of that particular post to show discrimination, and so this notion is therefore debunked.

Steve Victory affectionately known as "DADDY GHOST" hails from the southern Caribbean island of SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES. In pursuit of the exploration of different cultures, he migrated to Montreal, Quebec, Canada approximately 25 years ago upon graduating from EMMANUEL HIGH SCHOOL MESOPOTAMIA. As he became face to face with the reality of living in Canada as an immigrant, he soon realized that he will enjoy a greater sense of satisfaction from working for himself than for others. This realization served as the driving force behind him revisiting his skills as a barber that he was well known for during his secondary school years and so it served as the launching pad for his entrepreneurship career in the late nineties.
Mr. Victory has operated from several locations on the street called VICTORIA that is said to be the Mecca for people from varying Caribbean islands since these tend to be his TARGET GROUP of customers from the inception of his business. Toward the end of 2014 he has moved to a new location which allowed him to expand his brand and better cater to the needs of his customers with the provision of a spacious, luxurious, and comfortable waiting area. Photos of his upgrade can be seen below.

The author has attended high school with Steve and a reunion occurred between them in 2006, four years after she migrated to Canada. He was instrumental in aligning her with the Editor in Chief of MONTREAL CAMERA where she received her fist writing gig for the Editorial and Commentary column weekly. Their business relationship grew over the years.
When it became knowledgeable that Mr. Victory was moving to his new location CLAIRON HAYNES PRODUCTIONS visited his shop to show solidarity and presented him with its 1st philanthropic donations of CD $100.00 toward the purchase of items for his venture. This was done to encourage him to press on to achieving greater entrepreneurial goals. VIDEO OF THIS EXPERIENCE can be seen below.

Steve is recognized for his entrepreneurial contribution to the city of Montreal.

The management of CLAIRON HAYNES PRODUCTIONS is pleased to be associated with this hard working entrepreneur who continues to be an ambassador of HOPE for immigrants in this country. We are proud of your efforts Steve!