OPEN HOUSE will take place on Saturday May 14, 2016 at the LEONARDO DA VINCI CENTRE located at 8885 BOULEVARD LACORDAIRE H1R 3Y6, SAINT LEONARD, MONTREAL, QUEBEC, CANADA. The session will begin at 12:00 PM and end at 3:00 PM. The public is invited to come to this OPEN HOUSE and learn about this new school and how it can benefit out youths especially our young boys.

FACEBOOK==> https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010902037658&fref=ts
Landing Page: http://dev.pwebco.com/test/preuchristian/
Home Page English: http://dev.pwebco.com/test/preuchristian/index_en.html
Pre U Christian Academy will integrate financial education into their school curriculum http://dev.pwebco.com/test/preuchristian/money-management.html
Home Page French: http://dev.pwebco.com/test/preuchristian/index_fr.html

PRE U Christian Academy mission is to equip students for life-long journey as disciples of Christ and to provide students with an academically challenging program as preparation for university. Our mandate is to provide Christ-centered education of the highest standard helping every child reach their full potential and become a responsible, productive citizen and lifelong learner who is able to use technology effectively that results in our graduates succeeding in University. Realizing that the cause of Christ extends beyond any one local fellowship, we commit ourselves to an ongoing ministry of extending the call of Christ to make disciples around the world, glorifying God through the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).
All our students will be challenged, encouraged and taught to excel academically, spiritually, socially and physically.
Kwasi Enin gets accepted to all 8 Ivy League colleges
Pre U Christian Academy purpose is to glorify God by supporting Christian families in training and educating students, so that Christ may reign supreme in every aspect of theirs lives. (Proverbs 22:6)
We believe that every child is made in the image of God and has unique talents and needs. Pre U Christian Academy provides a program which enables each child to grow spiritually, academically, socially and physically.
A sound academic training, an emphasis on Christian values and character development, and an environment friendly to Christian youth - these are three of the qualities we constantly guard and encourage.
Our vision is 'Excellence in Education' based on uncompromising the Word of God. We desire to see our young people raised up to be leaders in society, leaders who will show forth a strong love and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Vision is that 100% of our graduates get accepted to college & university
The owner of CUHCREATIONS.BLOGSPOT.CA (this blog) visited the school's facilities on Sunday 24 April, 2016 and had the opportunity to sit down with several of the key personnel affiliated with this educational establishment. PRINCIPAL Mr. SIRVEN NAZON took some time from his busy schedule to explain the school's MISSION, VISION, GOALS, OBJECTIVES, and other areas of pertinence.

Money Management
Senior School
Sciences Option
Business Option
Our Classes will be an average of fifteen students this will help ensure that each student has the best opportunity for success.
All Pre U christian Academy students will use Notebooks or Labtops. As the digital age is upon us, Pre U Christian Academy desires to be ahead of this digital revolution as we help reshape schooling. Given a Pre U Christian education, students will learn to think critically and to express themselves clearly in written and oral form in English and French.
They will conduct and analyze experiments, solve math problems, learn to make mathematical conjectures, read contemporary and classic novels, write critical essays, discuss current events, and debate political and social issues.
"Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of GOD.” 1 Corinthians 10:31"
Athletics is an extension of our school mission which is "to equip students for a life-long journey as disciple of Christ, and to provide students with an academically rigorous program as preparation for post-secondary education, with an emphasis on competitive athletics." We firmly believe that we must develop the whole person. At Pre U Christian Academy, our goal first and foremost, is to develop strong Christian Men and along the way win championships. As an athletic department our duty is not to just teach the fundamental skills required to achieve on the the athletic field or court, we also have the task to teach and reinforce the life skills that a society void of responsibility and social concern for his/her fellow man has seemed to forgotten. STUDENTS ON THE FIELD VIDEO |
Who We Are
- GLORIFY GOD in all we do. Let our actions and our play be a testimony to those we encounter daily.
- Produce RESPONSIBLE individuals who learn to be accountable for their actions and who understand that all actions have consequences.
- Produce POSITIVE LEADER'S who will have a positive impact on their families, work place, community and in all walks of life; their will be positive difference makers.
- EDUCATE AND GRADUATE our players with an opportunity to pursue a college education.
On the 1st day when students arrive they will receive a BIBLE. At Pre U Christian Academy, students will have the opportunity to build a personal relationship with their God and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, through Bible study, chapel, prayer, and godly counsel from qualified individuals. At Pre U Christian Academy, we believe the Bible is the Word of God. Students memorize Scripture on a regular basis and can take Bible courses for high school credit. At Pre U Christian Academy, we believe in prayer. We teach students to pray and believe God for answers because nothing is too hard for Him. At Pre U Christian Academy, we believe that God answers prayer.
| Grade 7 and Middle School: Bridging the Gap
time in a student's life.
Choosing the school that
best suits the child is
essential to a happy and
successful experience.
At Pre U Christian
Academy, we
understand that children in grades
7 and 8 are living through a unique period
in their lives: a time of great physical,
emotional and intellectual change.
They are no longer in the
small and personal atmosphere of elementary
school, nor are they quite ready for the
independence and complexity of senior high
school. The Pre U Christian Academy
Middle School program is designed especially
to bridge the gap between these two worlds-to
our young men 12- 14 years old an environment
that strikes a balance between a warm support
and the need for self-reliance and mature
organizational habits. We combine academic
and co-curricular pursuits with a House Advisory
program designed to ensure that each student's
growth and development is monitored every
step of the way, making Middle School an
immensely challenging and rewarding time
of expanding boundaries and a growing
sense of responsibility.
The French language will be taught at all levels, from beginner to advanced. Your son will receive a unique and diversified training of high school in Quebec from Grade 7 to Grade 11.
Our school staff will instill a strong work ethic and high level of expectation in a surrounding framework of love and support with a low student to teacher ratio.
Pre U Christian Academy will go beyond our academic curriculum by instilling leadership skills that will allow our students to develop and enhance community initiatives as future leaders.
INNAVAGE COLLEGE FOOTBALL RECRUITING is a company that is in alliance with PRE-U CHRISTIAN ACADEMY. Below are some graphics which seek to give an idea of what this organization does.

I love the idea and concept of this school. With this school having CHRISTIAN VALUES AND PRINCIPLES as its foundation it cannot go wrong. When we put JEHOVAH GOD 1ST in everything the results are tremendous. A product of CHRISTIAN EDUCATION I have first hand experience of this type of approach to education as I attended a PRIVATE (mixed boy & girls) girl back in my Caribbean island of SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES. I also TAUGHT AT A CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL HERE IN MONTREAL, QUEBEC (PHYSICAL EDUCATION GRADE K-11 & BUSINESS IN GRADES 10 & 11) hence reinforcing my experience with regards to christian education. I am looking forward to my continued partnership with this educational institution in whatsoever capacity I am called upon to serve. On behalf of my BLOG ==> CUHCREATIONS.BLOGSPOT.CA I take this opportunity to CONGRATULATE all stakeholders in this initiative heeding the late MICHAEL JACKSON'S QUOTE in his song "MAN IN THE MIRROR" by BEING THE CHANGE THEY WANT TO SEE IN THEIR COMMUNITY.