Sunday, March 22, 2015


Written by Clairon Haynes

#BUY the BOOK in KINDLE form ==>

As I flipped through the pages of 'POINT BLANK HEART SLASHES' by Curtis W A Williams, its content captured my undivided attention tightly in its grasp. I felt honoured to have this book by a fellow POET from my country SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES in my collection of poetry publications. A published poet, I realized that God expects me to be supportive in the capacity of writing an honest review in an effort to spread His grace for the betterment of humanity in the literary sphere of things.

There are a total number of TEN (10) poems in this book. They are written in a linguistically simplified manner that the ordinary person can comprehend. This is quite noticeable by his use of a more concrete approach with little or no degree of abstraction, clearly indicative of the fact that the author is well aware of his target audience which seems to include persons from all reading levels. 

The mood conveyed in each poem is different. No two poems sound the same. This demonstrates a unique skill set in poetry writing that leaves no room for redundancy or repetition. His phrasing, rhythm, nuance, and his use of figurative devices are unique to each poem. 

The author has a voice that utters with a strong sense of passion and conviction. It is amazing how he was able to fuse storytelling and poetry, skillfully transforming himself into the person that experienced those situations his work chronicles. His writing seems to swing into a spiritually philosophical direction.


SPARK 1 - Dark Room Development (An Introduction to CORININAR) from "Who? ME? Honesty?"

This poem is my favourite. Its short lines are enticing to the eyes, coupled with rhythmic beats that stimulate the reader's insatiable appetite. The author engages the reader in a sustained session of "WORD PLAY" arousing the mind phonetically and semantically. The use of the same letter in the initial position of the dominant words in each CATCH PHRASE is quite appealing, having the potential for being SONGS, BOOKS, PLAYS, ETC. The message in this poem makes you realize that in order for us as humans to fulfill God's divine purpose for which He created us we must experience some pain along our way as part of our preparation process. Its seems quite vivid that the author has personally experienced those prerequisites for success in order for him to arrive at such PROFOUND realizations/statements. This type of writing is only brought about after in dept introspection of oneself. 

SPARK 2 - Skunk - Reputation

This poem received the WOW FACTOR in my opinion. Although the lines are extremely long the first line drew me all the way in until every neuron engaged.This poem forces the reader to do a quick check and balance to see whether or not he or she is aware of the purpose for which he or she was created. The reader is reminded that he or she is an imperfect human being who should not be too hard on him or herself, and that with God's help it is never too late to get back on track to fulfilling that purpose. So many person have lost their focus from distractions in life and need this timely reminder.

SPARK 3 - One Day With No Agenda

The author reminds us of the plethora of things a person can create while being hospitalized. Rather than moping and complaining about his discomfort he suffered from being in this depressive environment he chose to kick his creativity in full gears. Who would have thought that he would have found the desire to compose songs and poems during his difficult ordeal? This only goes to show that creativity is not confined to a given physical space. 

SPARK 4 - The Cost of Your Stubbornness

Poor parenting is showcased in this poem. The author shows that parents are the mirror that sometimes reflects the outcome of children. Most of them fail to model Christ to their them.

SPARK 5 - Poor Christian: A Serious Joke

The author highlights several situations and questions whether or not they play a pivotal role in the mindset which most Christians seem to have that "being poor is safe." However he makes the reader draw the conclusion that God does not want his children to be poor.

SPARK 6 - Times-Ah-Ticking

The first line sets the tone for the rest of the poem. "Seconds  into minutes hours into days." Right away the reader is brought up close and personal to stare the quick passage of time in its face. This can be scary at some levels as I immediately thought of the times I have personally wasted on things that aren't relevant that may lead me to feeling a sense of regret when my goals are not accomplished.

SPARK 7 - Your Stage

This poem forces us to be mindful of the fact that one's chronological age doesn't always give a true reflection of one's stage of maturity and readiness for certain situations in one's life. People seem to bloom at difference stages of their life. The reader is reminded to embrace his or her individuality, and live life to its fullest. 

SPARK 8 - From Among Thorns A Rose

This poem is the most metaphorically charged of them all. Although pregnant with some abstraction, the imagery it makes is crystal clear for the reader to see SEXUAL MOLESTATION of an EIGHT-YEAR old clearly. Tears gushed down the lining of my heart when I realized that this person is still carrying around a sore from this scar. This will resonate with many readers as they may know a person who might have gone through similar situations.

SPARK 9 - She Knows She Is The One

The author serenades the ladies with a love poem chronicling the qualities and traits that qualify a certain young lady to be his potential bride. I was mesmerized while reading this and hopes he recites it to her on his wedding day.

SPARK 10 - My Rose

The author reechoes his sentiments in SPARKS 9 relative to finding "THE ONE" as he likens her to a "ROSE" in this instance. While he is waiting patiently for her he makes it clear that he is occupied with the work of God his Creator.


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Wednesday, March 18, 2015



This is my 2nd GOSPEL SINGLE to be RELEASED APRIL 23, 2015 on #iTunes



Sunday, March 1, 2015


Written by Clairon Haynes 2006 in the EDITORIAL AND COMMENTARY COLUMN OF ==> MONTREAL CAMERA ==> A newspaper in MONTREAL, QUEBEC, CANADA.

Unity is a term that is frequently used each time I listen to speeches made by Caribbean politicians.

Sometimes I question whether or not they truly understand the full dept of its denotative and connotative meaning. As leaders of our nations, it is incumbent on them to practice what they preach. Should the citizens take their offices and model unity for them? How could we as a people obey their plea for togetherness toward nation-building when they themselves fail to show solidarity?
Barbados Prime Minister the Hon. Freundel Stuart responds to the media at the press conference held at the conclusion of the 26th Intersessional Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of CARICOM. Also in photograph are, from left, the Hon Gaston Browne, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda  and outgoing Chairman of the Community, and the Rt Hon. Perry Christie, Prime Minister of The Bahamas and Chair of the Community. (Photo via Bahamas Information Service)
We are an archipelago of islands that, for centuries, has earned its name as the "TOURIST GEM." Is this all we want to be know for, or do we want to stretch beyond our limited size and space to construct an entity that can withstand the boisterous economic waves that swing in our direction?

Most islands are "INDEPENDENT" states. Hats off to them for being courageously able of running their own affairs. It is highly commendable that they are able to maximize their limited resources well enough to the extent of commanding economic stability. Let us pause for a moment to think of the benefits of forming the UNITED CARIBBEAN STATES. Our voice will be better heard at major global governmental bodies such as the WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION. Our single dollar will stand extremely tall against the giants similarly to those of Asia, Europe, and neighbouring United State of America. 

Not too long ago I heard whispers of the idea of a United North America, linking developed countries such as Mexico, Canada, and the USA. The reason for this speculated notion of unification does not seem a necessity since they all possess relatively booming economies. This is indicative of the fact that they are not blind to the fact a sense of cohesion will assume a better chance at competing effectively in this dog-eat-dog economic arena. What about us? Aren't we third world countries with "STRUGGLING ECONOMIES?" Are we merely talking the talk instead of walking the walk?
Are we so consumed by the ease of life such as the golden sunshine, white sand beaches, peace, tranquility, friendly people, and tasty food that we fail to realize we are being left at the starting line in the race for unity? CARICOM? Is it just an organization SITTING IN BLACK AND WHITE? Is it where our quest for REGIONAL UNITY begins and ends?


What is our problem why aren't we yet in the race? Could it be that the primary deterrent to unity is FEAR? If the answer is yes then it locked us into its box and threw away its key. Is each country fearful of losing SOVEREIGNTY? Is this the issue or is there more to it? All desire to lead and none wants to follow? Should this be the case then this mentality dims our focus and prevents us from being able to see where we are going as a region. Listen to the CARICOM Official ANTHEM ==>

The only hope for a more prosperous Caribbean is through UNITY. Yes you may say we have the UNITED WEST INDIES CRICKET TEAM already, perhaps the only GENUINE UNIFYING FORCE. Those moments will forever be cherished when the islands are represented at TEST or ONE-DAY SERIES. For once, not about Barbadian, Vincentian, Trinbagonians, or Jamaicans, but WEST INDIANS. 

Sad to note that after this short lived fairy tale experience we are back to the woods where we are again ranked according to our size and power, arguing who is better than whom. 
It is time for us to awake for our sleep and slumber, shake off the dust of miniature thinking, and with BOLD AUTHORITY step into UNITY. 

"IPA CALYPSO out of SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES sang years ago of the dire need for Caribbean unity. ==>