#ClaironFacebookPrayerAlet is now open. This is to alert you that I will be praying for us at 9:30 AM SHARP!!#THEME: "The keys to your #HAPPINESS is found in your own pocket #NOT in someone else's!!!! (a quote from Oprah Winfrey Network #SuperSoulSunday live #TWEETS)."
Happiness is found within us and we... are responsible for ensuring it comes to full bloom. I find that when I was all professionally teaching etc. I was miserable to the bone. I had an excellent financially healthy lifestyle and I was still unhappy to the core. It was not until I loss of those monetary valued possession that I truly began feeling happy. I am now rebuilding and I have now known for the first time what true happiness really means! Happiness means:
1. Giving of my best to others who are in need, be in my kind words, offering up prayers to Jehovah God on their behalf.
2. Being TRUE and keeping it 100% to me.
3. Having God at the centre of my life.
4. Being happy for others success.
5. Praying daily without ceasing.
6. Following only those dreams that sync with Jehovah God's divine will for my life.
7. Eating healthily and taking care of God's property he loan to me until He calls me home from this life.
8. Spreading the GOOD NEWS of salvation to lost souls.
9. Caring for others without having ulterior motives.
10. Work extremely hard to access to the highest echelon of success regarding anything I put my hand to do.
11. Say what I mean, mean what I say, and stand firm in my truth.
12. Ride hard for justice.
13. Etc.
(Clairon's copyright material)
I will be praying for us at 9.30 AM sharp!!! Join me if you can!!!
Kind regards,
Happiness is found within us and we... are responsible for ensuring it comes to full bloom. I find that when I was all professionally teaching etc. I was miserable to the bone. I had an excellent financially healthy lifestyle and I was still unhappy to the core. It was not until I loss of those monetary valued possession that I truly began feeling happy. I am now rebuilding and I have now known for the first time what true happiness really means! Happiness means:

1. Giving of my best to others who are in need, be in my kind words, offering up prayers to Jehovah God on their behalf.
2. Being TRUE and keeping it 100% to me.
3. Having God at the centre of my life.
4. Being happy for others success.
5. Praying daily without ceasing.
6. Following only those dreams that sync with Jehovah God's divine will for my life.
7. Eating healthily and taking care of God's property he loan to me until He calls me home from this life.
8. Spreading the GOOD NEWS of salvation to lost souls.
9. Caring for others without having ulterior motives.
10. Work extremely hard to access to the highest echelon of success regarding anything I put my hand to do.
11. Say what I mean, mean what I say, and stand firm in my truth.
12. Ride hard for justice.
13. Etc.
(Clairon's copyright material)
I will be praying for us at 9.30 AM sharp!!! Join me if you can!!!
Kind regards,