Dr. Smith hails from lil La Croix a village that shares borders with my village of birth Evesham. Jasmine is from humble beginnings. I have known her as a child coming to the "STAND PIPE" at GREEN CORNER GROCERIES filling up her water jugs and climbing those steep hills to where she domiciled as a child.
I have met her on Facbook in 2010, if my memory serves me right, and I must say I saw her soul wide open vicariously through her daily posts and I have been truly inspired by her story and life. I would peruse her BLOG POSTS and her struggles with FIBROID resonated with me as I suffered similar illness during my early years. SHE INSPIRED ME TO START MY OWN BLOG on BLOGSPOT.COM. without even knowing. Suffice it to say I feel indebted to her to share in the celebration of this OUT STANDING ACHIEVEMENT as a GRADUATE with a DOCTORATE DEGREE (The highest in the ACADEMIC & SCHOLASTIC RANKS).
In spite of having accessed the HIGHEST SCHOLASTIC & ACADEMIC echelon of SUCCESS Dr. Smith EXTREMELY HUMBLE as she CREDITS JEHOVAH GOD.
Jasmine is an APRIL BORN (MY TAURUS SIGN) and from what I know we have a penchant for hard work and success.
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"HUMBLY, I ROSE FROM POVERTY TO DOCTORATEMeet Vincentian, DR. Rose-Ann Smith from the Mespotamia area.
I stood in the audience on my graduation day and for the first time, my eyes welled up with tears as the whole auditorium applauded and shouted words of congratulations to persons they did not know or might not have seen before. For the first time, it was impressed upon me the meaning and size of my accomplishment. I am Dr. Rose-Ann Smith. I never thought that I would have gotten this far, but I had to for myself and my family. I wish to share my story to you and really do hope that it will encourage someone to press towards their dreams.
I grew up in the small village of La Croix in Mesopotamia Valley in a
home to a father who was an alcoholic, but a good father to us. His last
name is Diamond, but it in no way suggests 'riches'. After all, my
memories served to remind me of the one bedroom house in which myself
and brothers grew up with the outdoor wattle and daub kitchen and
outside bathroom and toilet, otherwise called a latrine. Later, that
home became a two bedroom and we had what was called a 'hall'. I later
learnt that the proper name for it was a living room, but then it would
seem that only the rich had living room and country people who were
mostly poor, had a hall. We did not have light or water so we had to
'droge' water from a stand pipe and a kerosene lamp, candles or a flambo
served as light in the night. My mom sold food crops in the market,
then she worked at a hotel to clean rooms and make up bed and later as a
cook. My life was simple, but for most parts I was contented and
outside of the impact of the alcohol that my father drank regularly, I
believe that we were happy.
When I looked at my family, I saw and felt the struggle. There were single parents finding it hard to support their kids, but they tried. I saw alcoholics, gamblers, ganja smokers etc etc. Some viewed us as thieves but for most, we were poor people who will not amount to nothing. It appeared as if all our parents and grandparents were uneducated. However, when I listened to stories about my family, I realized that we weren't dumb. Instead, poverty had prevented all our parents from reaching beyond primary school. Sometimes they had to stay away from school to work on the farm or only go to school half day. Roast grindy and sugar water was breakfast or lunch for some. I looked and see how the impact of being poor was trickling down to my cousins. They were dropping out of school. They lack motivation and drive and who can be motivated on a hungry belly. I remembered seeing family members eating boiled banana and butter for lunch/dinner because that was all that can be afforded. I never went hungry, but I remember having to borrow money to buy chicken or to go to school. When I heard people saying, even today, they do not eat chicken back, I do not comment. Rather, I can only thank God for the little protein I got from it growing up, and reminisced on how sweet it was in pelau or stewed down with some roast breadfruit. Yes, chicken back was dog food for some, but it was quite a popular meat in our house. Will I eat it again? Of course and proudly too.
Today, I look at my family and I am proud. Our past is not our present. I am proud because a generation rose up that wanted something different and we were supported by a family who wanted differently for their kids. I am proud of those who learnt a skill even though they did not get their subjects. I am proud of those who finished with their many subjects and who decide to rise beyond. I am proud to be the first to attend university and the first Doctor of Philosophy in my family, to witness the first Attorney-at-law in my family, Saskia Diamond. I am proud to have my cousin Dominique George studying medicine and a brother doing his bachelors in Social Studies Education. I am proud to see both of my brothers becoming great musicians. I still get goosebumps when my younger brother, Brent Williams sings and I am amazed at his lyrical skills. They never went to a music school, but taught themselves to play many instruments. I am proud of the police officers, pastors, coast guard workers, government workers, carpenters, masons etc etc. But most of all, I am proud because when I looked at the crop of us who succeed and is succeeding, I realized that we have all put God first. Let us continue to pave the way of success for our family. Dream BIG!!! Let us not pull down or look down on another, but let us motivate each other. Let us not be selfish in our acts, but live lovingly with each other, edifying our brothers and sisters above ourselves. Let us continue to pray for each other, especially the younger ones who are just getting started in daycare and primary school. Remember always the distance from whence we came and in every thing, let us give thanks to the Most High God. We are Diamonds, Williams and Catos and We are out to make a difference for our families and with our families."
When I looked at my family, I saw and felt the struggle. There were single parents finding it hard to support their kids, but they tried. I saw alcoholics, gamblers, ganja smokers etc etc. Some viewed us as thieves but for most, we were poor people who will not amount to nothing. It appeared as if all our parents and grandparents were uneducated. However, when I listened to stories about my family, I realized that we weren't dumb. Instead, poverty had prevented all our parents from reaching beyond primary school. Sometimes they had to stay away from school to work on the farm or only go to school half day. Roast grindy and sugar water was breakfast or lunch for some. I looked and see how the impact of being poor was trickling down to my cousins. They were dropping out of school. They lack motivation and drive and who can be motivated on a hungry belly. I remembered seeing family members eating boiled banana and butter for lunch/dinner because that was all that can be afforded. I never went hungry, but I remember having to borrow money to buy chicken or to go to school. When I heard people saying, even today, they do not eat chicken back, I do not comment. Rather, I can only thank God for the little protein I got from it growing up, and reminisced on how sweet it was in pelau or stewed down with some roast breadfruit. Yes, chicken back was dog food for some, but it was quite a popular meat in our house. Will I eat it again? Of course and proudly too.
Today, I look at my family and I am proud. Our past is not our present. I am proud because a generation rose up that wanted something different and we were supported by a family who wanted differently for their kids. I am proud of those who learnt a skill even though they did not get their subjects. I am proud of those who finished with their many subjects and who decide to rise beyond. I am proud to be the first to attend university and the first Doctor of Philosophy in my family, to witness the first Attorney-at-law in my family, Saskia Diamond. I am proud to have my cousin Dominique George studying medicine and a brother doing his bachelors in Social Studies Education. I am proud to see both of my brothers becoming great musicians. I still get goosebumps when my younger brother, Brent Williams sings and I am amazed at his lyrical skills. They never went to a music school, but taught themselves to play many instruments. I am proud of the police officers, pastors, coast guard workers, government workers, carpenters, masons etc etc. But most of all, I am proud because when I looked at the crop of us who succeed and is succeeding, I realized that we have all put God first. Let us continue to pave the way of success for our family. Dream BIG!!! Let us not pull down or look down on another, but let us motivate each other. Let us not be selfish in our acts, but live lovingly with each other, edifying our brothers and sisters above ourselves. Let us continue to pray for each other, especially the younger ones who are just getting started in daycare and primary school. Remember always the distance from whence we came and in every thing, let us give thanks to the Most High God. We are Diamonds, Williams and Catos and We are out to make a difference for our families and with our families."
The owner of this BLOG is truly proud of her and wishes her and her beautiful family all of the very best in her future endeavours.
Clairon Haynes

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