It is no surprise to many that Curtis has today thrown his hat in the ring as a Candidate for the NDP. In 1996, he attended the University of Technology in Jamaica where he did a first degree in Pharmacy graduating with honors.
While a student at UTECH in 1998 Curtis was elected the Faculty Representative for the Faculty of Health and Applied Science. He then became the Assistant Treasurer of the Student Union and finally it’s President in 2000. Through effective handling of these portfolios Curtis built up a reputation as a problem solver and powerful advocate for the rights of his fellow students. These are qualities he hopes to apply to the proper representation of the people of Marriaqua who are today yearning for more efficient leadership from their representative.
While pursuing higher education in Jamaica, Curtis also found time on campus to captain his faculty cricket team. His efforts in the classroom were complemented by his efforts on the cricket pitch and his excellence as a student representative at UTECH saw him awarded for outstanding contribution to the UTECH Student’s Union and in 2001 he was given the Leadership Award by the University before he went on to UWI Mona to pursue a Master’s Degree in Public Health.
Curtis has credited his functioning as a Pharmacist with the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines with giving him hands exposure to the serious issues confronting healthcare and rural healthcare in particular, as he has found himself providing medication to persons throughout the length and breadth of this country. His efforts to help people also saw him function as part of the medical staff to offer relief assistance to the people of Grenada after the passage of Hurricane Ivan. He believes in helping people, and representing their concerns and interests to the best of his ability and with the full extent of his capacity. This is what has pushed him into the world of politics. This is what would make him a good representative of the people of Marriaqua.
Curtis is presently the Owner, manager and Pharmacist at Bowman’s Pharmacy in Kingstown and Richland Park
He is married with a young family, and still makes his home in Richland Park
The NDP Is Ready
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