#HonouringAHeroWithoutPassingJUDGEMENT #DoingSomethingGoodForTheSabbath So as ya'll know I was sick for 3 year (19 May, 2011 - May 3, 2014). I could not get out of my bed as I was severely engulfed by #DEPRESSION & POST TRAUMATIC STRESS (as medically diagnosed by my doctors). I practically gave up on life and all I wanted was to BECOME A #VAGRANT living in the METRO of MONTREAL. Yes I hear you say "CLAIRON, THE AMBITIOUS AND ACCOMPLISHED PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS TEA...CHER & PUBLISHED AUTHOR?????
Yes true, although I'd accomplished all of those great things during my time in CANADA I felt NO desire to live and all of my life's accomplishments meant nothing to me. One day I was easing my boredom on TWITTER participating in the tweeting sessions with the OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network program "SUPER SOUL SUNDAY" and who commented on my tweet was this inspirational young man Ken Like Barbie
I looked him up and saw he had a YOU TUBE channel. I clicked on one of his videos in which he chronicled his journey LIVING WITH HIV. When I finished listening to this video I was never the same again!
I saw how COURAGEOUS he was embracing his diagnosis and #REFUSING TO LIVE HIS LIFE AS A #VICTIM but rather as a #VICTOR instead. I could not help but admire HOW #HAPPY HE CHOSE TO LIVE HIS LIFE with #NO fear of death or the inevitable. He has #INSPIRED me to GET UP OFF MY BED and do the same ---> BUT IN 2013 my SPIRIT WAS WILLING BUT MY FLESH WAS WEAK TO DO IT SO I REMAINED ON THAT BED UNTIL MAY 3, 2014 when #JEHOVAH#GOD stepped in and healed me!
As I returned to Facebook I finally went to look for him and added him as a friend. As I observe the way he continues to live his life I can't help noticing how much passion he seems to have for life LIVING HIS BEST LIFE NOW! Yes my friends Ken Chose to be #HAPPY because He realised that #HappinessIsAChoice one that he is living to the max! THANKS FOR INSPIRING ME KEN!!!! GOD LOVES YOU & so do I!
On this day 27th OCTOBER, 1979 my #PARADISE ----> SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES gain her #INDEPENDENCE a nation from BRITISH colonial rule. She said farewell to supremacy and welcomed her DEMOCRACY. She have come a mighty long way after 35 years. MY #POEM #HONOURING MY COUNTRY
Although some of us have moved on to greener pastures it is impossible to forget where we've come from and the investment this tiny isle has made to our social, moral, spiritual and educational development. We've seen leaders come and go who've left their fingerprints on our soil. I remember growing up under the LABOUR PARTY GOVERNMENT led by our Premier MILTON CATO. What a fine PRIME MINISTER he was. After he parted I've seen so many POLITITIANS who've tarnished the good that these folks have done to the DELVELOPMENT OF OUR COUNTRY.
CRIME: I feel a sense of sadness daily as our island has LOST her innocence as a #PARADISE of #PEACE & #TRANQUILITY to a land of #MURDER and bloodshed, persons continue to break into homes and terrify home owners. Unemployment level continues to rise, giving little or no hope to our youths who've graduated with so many O & A LEVEL, Bachelor & Masters DEGREES and can't find work to do. Moreover, our minds continue to think like yesteryear. How can we go forward as a nation if our #MENTALITY is 10 STEPS BEHIND the GOALS we set out to achieve? IS IT ANY SURPRISE that the INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AT ARGYLE is not complete yet? Last Saturday October 25, I've attended the 49th BANQUET hosted by the SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES ASSOCIATION OF MONTREAL to commemorate our 35 anniversary of #INDEPENDENCE. The highlight of my evening was a statement that the KEYNOTE SPEAKER lodged into my brain "WE NEED TO BECOME INDEPENDENT THINKERS and think for ourselves." ----> THANKS FOR STRIKING MY MIND WITH THIS SEAN SUTHERLAND! May we continue to pool our resources for the betterment our country. Peace & Blessings to you all! Clairon Haynes PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT
According to CNN a GUNMAN stormed into a school in North Seattle, United States of America and went on a shooting rampage. According to LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS three are wounded and two are dead including the school's gunman today October 24, 2014. After today the school's cafeteria will never be the same again for students who look forward to spending their lunch period here. Officials said that they believe that the gunman acted alone. Only yesterday, this blog reported a fatal shooting at PARLIAMENT HILL in Ottawa, Canada. What is this world coming to? The owner of this blog expresses since condolences to the families of the diseased students and will pray that they find peace and closure really soon. As a teacher this incidence has struck a nerve with the author of this article. Clairon Haynes
According to CNN there is speculations that a DOCTOR who has been in AFRICA(Guinea) after treating EBOLA patients might have contracted the deadly EBOLA VIRUS after developing a HIGH FEVER. First it was Texas now it's New York. This Ebola disease is really no respecter of persons regarding race, class or creed.
It is alleged that the Doctor did not quarantine himself as evidence points to him taking a TAXI CAB going to a bowling ally. He started feeling sluggish and reported it to the medical authorities. How many people might he have transmitted the disease to if he has it? Doctors are still on a goose chase wondering how this disease is contracted as the face that some persons who become in contact with Ebola succumb and die while others survive has raised many questions. What are the guidelines for precautions? The public needs to know the symptom so that they can take the necessary precaution and seek urgent medical attention if symptoms are developed. PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT
According to CNN the PARLIAMENT BUILDING in OTTAWA, Ontario Canada has been disrupted by GUN MEN (the numbers are still unknown) who stormed into the parliament headquarters and one of them managed to get into the MAIN ENTRANCE and started shooting. As a result the PARLIAMENT HILL is on LOCK DOWN
Currently the Ottawa police is now INVESTIGATING the gunshot incidence. According to one eye-witness a young man (A CANADIAN SOLDIER) in his 20s was shot by one of the gunmen who has long hair and was wearing a hoodie, came around the PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE, put the a riffle over his shoulder and started shooting outside of the WAR MEMORIAL building where the SOLDIERS were conducting their habitual drill. It is alleged that he was shot about 4 times in his head and back and falling on his back as a result. One of the gunmen managed to get into the main entrance and started shooting. It is alleged that one of the SHOOTERS (intruder) was killed. This news is quite shocking to CANADIANS as we are known to have a peaceful country. Is this TERRORIST RELATED?????? I really hope not. Global mail reported that there may have been three 3 shootings. The situation doesn't seem to be over yet as the building is STILL ON LOCK DOWN at this time. The major arrears adjacent to PALIAMENT HILL are on lock down too. This includes the Ottawa University. It is still too early to say what is the motive behind this shooting incidence. PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT
I must admit that I am rarely ever a fan of the United States Of America's FOREIGN #POLICIES but for the 1st time I agree with their #TRAVEL#BAN for prospective travellers from the 3 major WEST AFRICAN COUNTRIES plagued by the deadly #EBOLA VIRUS. #ContagiousDiseases must be contained and controlled especially when the nature and how it is transmitted from persons to persons is still a WILD GOOSE CHASE! Bear in mind that #TravelBand does not necessarily solve the spread of the disease as persons can sneak into neighbouring countries to evade the BAND and still get into the US.
#Psychology 101 with Clairon the future ------> PSYCHOLOGIST
This interview is so upsetting to me. I have been a fan of the #RHOA (Real Housewives Of Atlanta) for a while now and I really think that Phaedra Parks is making the right decision to divorce Apollo.
After viewing a couple of episodes I saw a great deal of psychological glitches in his behaviour. As a woman who's gone through a divorce myself I can sympathize with her current situation as raising two young boys WITHOUT a dad can become quite challenging. However, as women we have to share the #BLAME also for marrying these men ALTHOUGH WE WOULD HAVE SEEN SIGNS that a divorce is IMPENDING DANGER.
#SoldOUT YAYYYYYYYYYYY I am extremely #THANKFUL -------> CLAIRON HAYNES PRODUCTIONS ------> CLAIRON'S SEASONING MAJIC is #SOLD out. All those bottles I processed last week are #SOLD and people are still ordering. PRAISE THE LORD FOR ALL THOSE OF YOU MY DEAR #CUSTOMERS WHO HAVE PURCHASED! Thanks for your kind patronage! PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT
CLAIRON HAYNES PRODUCTIONS #LOGO is now #OFFICIAL for viewing. (TRADEMARK 2014) with Canadian Intellectual Property Office! Thanks to my awesome #GRAPHIC DESIGNER Franklyn Supadex Richards from St Vincent and the Grenadines for the design. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #NOTE: I HONOUR MY COUNTRY OF BIRTH SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES BY REPPING THE 3 COLOURS OF OUR NATI...ONAL FLAG (BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW). ----> I am a true VINCY!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATION OF #SYMBOLS -----> The #LEAVES ---- Prosperity, my products have the capacity to flourish ------> The #STAR ----> My products have the potential to outshine its competitors. ------> The #LADDER --> My company is proud to build its way from the ground up to perfection 1 step at a time! CREDITS: 1. My dear student Packy Christol ---> Drawing of the leaf, ladder, and symbol as a #GIFT TO ME HIS TEACHER! 2. Vincyboo Noel (Lafleur Noel) for referring me to my Graphic Designer. 3. Bunny Queen, Yvette Diamond, Benny ---> Brain storming