I wrote a #POEM about it in 2008 and published it in my 1st book It Strikes My Mind!
PAGE 35- (Copyright 2008 by CLAIRON HAYNES)

I remember quite vividly TEACHING at Marriaqua Government School on this very day. My then FIANCE (who was also a teacher at this school) Lindon Bullock and I drove home for lunch as was our custom. We turned the TV on to CNN for the news and there was the event that shocked the century.
She stood as the land of the brave,
While they strategically air marked her grave.
She quietly lay asleep,
And did not detect their subtle creep.
They arose earlier than the sun,
Carrying out that plot was their last fun.
Their trumpets echoed,
Their carriers were their swords.
The World Trade Queen stood proud and tall,
She was the first to fall.
She showed no mercy for those within,
Smashing the thick as well as the thin.
So many occupants met their death,
Those alive gasped for breath.
They were buckled beneath thick concrete,
Not being able to scratch their feet.
About fifteen minutes lapsed,
A portion of the Pentagon collapsed.
The sword made a nose-dive,
Smashing those it met alive.
The crash burst into a flame,
Each fire fighter heard his name.
Through pain and anguish,
They rushed to extinguish.
It wasn't even about forty-five minutes yet,
The state of Pennsylvania began to fret.
That next target did shield,
Heroes fought to plunge it into Pittsburgh field.
This network of incidence occurred so fast,
Then she woke up fast.
She screamed and wailed as she beheld her calamity,
It wasn't her movie but a reality.
This planning was strategic,
Defeating the Intelligence Agency's tactics.
Given the threat this trend posed,
It was advocated that the airports be closed.
This seemed to cut the thread,
Nipping the network in its head.
The incidence came to a halt,
Putting an end to this malicious assault.
Through technological convenience,
The world tasted this vicarious experience.
It radiated shock waves to everyone,
Conveying the wickedness that's been done.
In the minds of travellers everywhere,
This inculcated great fear.
It sought to cripple the tourism industry,
It's been the hardest hit of the century.
She came to the conclusion,
That proactive measures was the solution.
So she pinned the act to a notorious group,
Which received its bowl of soup.
Now she watches with vicious eyes,
Detecting where the enemy lies.
Instead of sleeping she takes a nap,
Keeping her sword on her lap.
I sympathized,
Though many criticized.
While she rebuilds her safe haven,
She'll never forget NINE ELEVEN
(R.I.P to all of the victims who've lost their lives!)