As I reminisce on my years of teaching, molding and shaping young lives to successfully take over the world from this generation I stop to celebrate this moment in time that I have spent at the last pit stop of my teaching career before I took ill in 2011-2014. It will be remiss of me if I don't publicly thank GRADE 11 CLASS of 2011 for ------>#DEDICATING their #YearBook to LIL OLD ME! I am quite humbled by this honour and have decided to thank you here on FB since ---->I DID NOT SEE YOU SINCE I TOOK ILL 2011. #Thanks to all of you for thinking so highly of me!!!! PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT
CLAIRON HAYNES PRODUCTIONS ------> #HealingAndDeliverance T-shirt Line. PLACE YOUR #ORDER --> 1-514-618-3713 Here are the array of colours in #POLO made and will be printed in the UK. #Select your colour & THE WORDS U LIKE from the photos below!!!!!#Quality is excellent!!!...
Thanks for your support!!! ---> thanks for partnering with me to champion this cause!!!!!
Colours for the polos are
White, Royal Blue, Red, Navy, Maroon, purpleHeather Grey, Black, Bottle Green & Pink
XS - 7XL Size To Fit (Approx) XS (34"-36") S (36"-38") M (40"-42") L (42"-44") XL (44"-46") 2XL (48"-50") 3XL (52"-54") 4XL (58"-60") 5XL (62"-64") 6XL (66"-68") 7XL (70"-72")
#ClaironFacebookPrayerAlet is now open. This is to alert you that I will be praying for us at 9:30 AM SHARP!!#THEME: "The keys to your #HAPPINESS is found in your own pocket #NOT in someone else's!!!! (a quote from Oprah Winfrey Network #SuperSoulSunday live #TWEETS)."
Happiness is found within us and we... are responsible for ensuring it comes to full bloom. I find that when I was all professionally teaching etc. I was miserable to the bone. I had an excellent financially healthy lifestyle and I was still unhappy to the core. It was not until I loss of those monetary valued possession that I truly began feeling happy. I am now rebuilding and I have now known for the first time what true happiness really means! Happiness means: 1. Giving of my best to others who are in need, be in my kind words, offering up prayers to Jehovah God on their behalf. 2. Being TRUE and keeping it 100% to me. 3. Having God at the centre of my life.
4. Being happy for others success. 5. Praying daily without ceasing.
6. Following only those dreams that sync with Jehovah God's divine will for my life. 7. Eating healthily and taking care of God's property he loan to me until He calls me home from this life.
8. Spreading the GOOD NEWS of salvation to lost souls. 9. Caring for others without having ulterior motives.
10. Work extremely hard to access to the highest echelon of success regarding anything I put my hand to do.
11. Say what I mean, mean what I say, and stand firm in my truth.
12. Ride hard for justice.
13. Etc.
(Clairon's copyright material)
I will be praying for us at 9.30 AM sharp!!! Join me if you can!!!
This song is an instrumental version of the 1st song I have written (both melody & Lyrics). Copyright by Clairon Haynes in 2009. It was musically arranged by Enos Emmons from New Jersey (USA). This will be one of the songs on the 1st ALBUM (GOSPEL) to be produced by CLAIRON HAYNES PRODUCTIONS soon. I hope you like it and leave me a comment to let me know if the music is to your liking. THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME OUT FROM YOUR BUSY SCHEDULE TO LISTEN TO IT!!! A product of CLAIRON HAYNES PRODUCTIONS LEAVE A COMMENT
I woke up at about 4:am this morning Friday July 4 and for some reason I am not able to go back to sleep. Bored and restless, I decided to initiate this post in the series "DEPRESSION (mental illness) " that I was contemplating featuring on my blog for a very long time but was never able to muster the courage to follow through with the idea until now.
Before I go into giving a brief insight into this dreadful disease let me first show my stance on society's attitude toward mental health. Mental health deals with wellness of the mind/psyche. Everything we do depends on the brain/mind in order for it to be carried out effectively. Therefore if the mind is sick the whole body is as well. That is why it is incumbent upon the health service providers of any given country to invest into this segment of its services and implement measure to ensure that its citizens mental health is well taken care of. Is this just a pipe dream? Does a country really has its mental health department at the top of its priority list or are other services deemed more vital are pushed a step ahead of it? Society has stigmatized mental illness for far too long. I believe the health system of a country is to be partially blame for this since it seems to slight it and treats it like a second class citizen where monetary investment into educational programs is concerned. I hardly think enough effort is being put toward public awareness of the importance of diseases associated with the mind and educating the public about signs, symptoms, and possible solutions to curb this disease.
Of the diseases to plague humankind, I have seen enough evidence pointing to the fact that it is acceptable by our society to be diagnosed with CANCER, AIDS, DIABETES, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, ETC ------> BUT it is not ok to have a mentally associated illness. When this becomes evident the person suffering from this disease is being immediately judged, looked down on, and even scorned - Often being perceived as SOCIETY REJECTS!
Here are a series of tough questions. 1. Who gave us the moral right to decide which disease is good and which ones are bad? Isn't this itself contradictory when the very term disease both denotes and connotes NEGATIVE/OPPOSING/ANTAGONIZING that which was suppose to function healthy? Aren't all illness designed to potentially carry us six feet under the ground? If so why favour some over others when they are all killers?
I am no expert on mental health but having personally struggled with diseases of such nature I can safely say that many people are afraid to come forward and say they are mentally ill due to the fact that they are immediately placed in a box wearing the scornful label "CRAZY" or "COO COO" connoting negativity to the highest degree. Society places us at the bottom of its social ranks and makes us feel as though we are unworthy of living a successful life like the rest of the citizens who don't have this problem.
I am of the view that a LACK OF EDUCATION about mental illness/wellness is responsible for the misconceptions related with how people with this defect are treated. First of all it is important for us to note that there are a series of diagnosis of mental illness than what the average person really knows. There are depression, post traumatic disorder, bipolarity, etc. Why group all of these I to mean "crazy" when they all have their own signs and symptoms and affect the person differently?
Are we as a society part of the problem or solution? Do we contribute to a person's mental illness by the way we treat them?
I hope that this brief introduction to mental illness will have opened your eyes to the importance of mental health to the productivity of a country and the role you play in it.
In the next post we will examine #DEPRESSION in terms of it nature and how it affects an individual. PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT
Those of us who have not come to #ACCEPTJESUS CHRIST as #LORD and #SAVIOUR of our lives, #PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DO SO #TODAY while we are still alive.
TOMORROW is NOT guaranteed!!!!!!!!!! My dear #FAMILY & #FacebookFRIENDS please consider SURRENDERING your #SOULS toJESUS before it is too late!!!!
Too many people are dying #SUDDENLY these days!!!!
Hear the still small voice of #JESUS beaconin...g you #COME DRINK OF THE FOUNTAIN OF LIFE WHILE #PROBATION IS STILL OPEN!!!
----->Here is one of my #SONGS I HAVE WRITTEN IN 2009<-------
SONG below: WRITTEN BY CLAIRON HAYNES "THE TIME IS HERE" (COPYRIGHT 2009 BY CLAIRON HAYNES) The time is fast approaching, Soon Jesus will come, To take His waiting people home. Can't you see the time is near, The signs are here, Like #Noah please prepare
Get ready don't be idle, Be like the wise virgins. Put oil in your lamps today. Lay aside every weight, He stands at the gate, The time is now, Don't be too late.
The door of probation, Is nearing closure. Come please get in. Don't let #SATAN fool you, His kingdom wont win, Like #Noah please get in!!!!! PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT
3. Send forth now I beg of thee your #HOLY #SPIRIT to #CONVICT MEN, WOMEN, BOYS, GIRLS OF #SIN and #DIMINISH #SATAN'S KINGDOM in Jesus' holy name, amen 4. Grant unto me a new ounce of #HUMILTY as I bask in thy blessings you rain down upon my life daily!!!!! 5. Help me to "#SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS AND EVERYTHIN ELSE WLL BE ADDED UNTO ME." 6. Help me not to harbour #iniquity in my heart because you will NOT hear my prayer; BUT let me confess my SINS before thee every minute, every our, every day. For I shall make melodies in my heart with thy psalms all day long. 7. Remove ALL #DOUBT from my mind that tells me that I cannot "DO ALL THINGS THROUGH who strengthens me. 8. Secure me a spot in your NEW JERUSALEM by helping me to #ACCEPT YOUR ONLY BEGOTTEN #SON JESUS CHRIST'S death on the cross of Calvary as the #ONLY mean through which it is made possible, and help me to fully SURRENDER MY #ALL TO YOU FOR EVER MORE!!!! 9. Help me to #LOOK at my fellow HUMAN BEINGS as CHRIST & treat them as such!! 10. Let me bless others with the gifts that thou has bestowed unto me so that they too can "TASTE AND SEETHAT GOD IS GOOD" and come to call you blessed too. 11. Open up my heart to receive your HOLY #REBUKE & REPROACH for then I know you love me because "THOSE WHOM YOU LOVE, YOU #CHASTISE!!!! 12. LET ME BE MORE LIKE JESUS!! 13. Help me to #forgive and LOVE my enemies because "IF I LOVE THEM THAT LOVE ME, WHAT REWARD HAVE I? For even in loving them although they don't merit it, they will see you and realize your mighty power in the transformation of lives for the better. I ask all these things in #Jesus's name AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!! Your daughter CLAIRON HAYNES #FacebookPrayerAlert PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT