The most anticipated verdict of 2013
Became public knowledge on July 14
Many were at the edge of their seats
You can hear every heartbeat
Envisioning Zimmerman's orange jumpsuit
After this long judicial pursuit
Then the verdict finally came
"Not Guilty" what a Floridian shame!
Shocked, many took to social media
Venting their frustration and anger
I could feel the pain going to my brain
Justice for Trayvon has been slain
Weren't the evidence clear?
No conviction! Is this fair?
Not even manslaughter?
What's wrong with Florida?

What a message for all to see!
That being black is not only a crime
But carrying skittles with a hoodie
Get you gunned down immediately
Then the system meant to protect you
Sets the defendant free for killing you
To many this verdict is no surprise
'Cause racial profiling been on the rise
One step forward when Obama won
2 steps backward for injustice of our son
Where do we go from here as a community?
Should we engage in war, or criminality?
I say no! This is a time to rise and shine
Appeal this verdict 'til justice we find!

Calling justice fighters, black sis and bros
Let's use our platform to bring this to the fore
Trayvon expects us to fight for him
Don't let his justice silently go dim
Enough of talking the talk
Time has come for us do do the walk
Change must begin with us
Let's begin without fight and fuss

I demand a thorough inquiry
A retrial quite possibly
'Cause am still confused
Why the prosecutor's plea refused!
Self defense huh, Trayvon is dead!
And cold blooded killer free instead
Oh Florida, blacks cry out for our brother
Until you revisit this case there'll be another!
We demand justice for all races
Why show prejudice in these cases?
The court is the bedrock of our society
We depend on it for our safety
Hispanic, black, white, shouldn't predetermine
The fairness of a trial and which team win
Justice should be available to all
Living on American soil!
Wake up justice America land of the brave
Stop sending our teenagers to the grave!
Unless perpetrators pay for their crimes
Chaos and will result in these hard times
We've lost Tupac, Biggie, and many more
We've seen their justice go out the door
When will you arrive from your legal sleep?
When thousands more go to the deep?
I say no America it's not too late
Justice demands from you a clean slate
This verdict is your alarm clock
Correct this error stand firm as a rock
Let this be a a monument for history
That finally you've given black people victory
Only then the lyrics of our national anthem
Be sung with truth and conviction by them
What can we do as a people to pass this test?
More than Martin Luther's protest?
Every state needs to organize a bus tour
And by the millions picket at Fl court door!
Demanding a retrial or a public inquiry
So we can give Trayon's family a lil decency.
'Cause a criminal walking free
Is murdering their son constantly!
I'm calling on President Barrack Obama
Not because he is a leader of colour
But as someone who values justice
To investigate Floridan legal practice
'Cause if he lets this one slip
His ratings will take a dip
Our community depends on you
With your platform so much you can do
Calling on all talk shows to get on board
Use your platform as a sword!
Address this injustice for an entire month
Vent your dissatisfaction get it to the front
Discuss the evidence to America
Unravel the legal logistics will ya!
Bring criminal attorney on your panel
Release us from this wrong verdict spell
You Tubers where are you
Time to video vlog this injustice too
Invite response videos from others
Extend the dialogue to other users
I need you to petition the Florida court
Get viewers to endorse by leaving a note
Demand responsibility from Florida
For justice for our dear brother
Twitter and Facebook I expect you to share
The info proliferated through the air
Let's have a mas invasion of the airwaves
Justice for our future sons let's save
Here is a turning point for history
We'll not tolerate injustice in America society
Regardless of our creed or race
Justice for all be must solemnly embrace
Man in the mirror said Michael Jackson
This change must begin with me as a person
Why I choose to write this poem
To help solving this legal problem
What I missed please add to it
Any suggestions/solutions you see fit
Trayvon I surrender my help to you
Your justice I'll fight the most I can do!


Tracy Martin


"God blessed Me & Sybrina with Tray
and even in his death I know my baby proud of the FIGHT we along with
all of you put up for him GOD BLESS"

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